Health and Safety Policy
Objective: To support us both to work safely in your home.
I may amend this document subject to any changes made to guidance or Government recommendations.
General Principles
- My aim is to support a safe working environment for myself, my client and their household whilst working in the home
- I reserve the right to decline work or leave a client session if I feel that I cannot guarantee a safe working environment for myself and/or my client
- I will only carry out work when I am in good health or in the case of light ailments such as a mild cold, I will notify my client so that we can consider risks to any vulnerable members of the household
- For the safety of my clients, myself and my family, I reserve the right to decline work in a household that is isolating because one or more family members have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19
- If I become aware that I have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, I will notify my client so that we can consider risks to any vulnerable members of the household
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- I may wear gloves if I decide work tasks require it or where a client particularly requests it
- Covid-19 needs to be managed through social distancing and hygiene, and face coverings may help protect others when in enclosed spaces. Where we will be working in close proximity, I will wear a face covering at sessions, and request that my client also provides and wears their own face covering, unless exempt
Covid-19 will be a feature of our lives for the foreseeable future, so we need to manage the risk to ourselves and others.
When someone with Covid-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release particles containing the virus that causes Covid-19. The particles can come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth or can be breathed in by another person. The particles can also land on surfaces and be passed from person to person via touch. In general, the risk of catching or passing on Covid-19 is higher in enclosed spaces and where there is limited fresh air.
While no situation is risk free, there are easy and effective actions we can take to protect each other and these are reflected in my procedures below.
When booking work with clients I will:
- Carry out consultations via video/telephone call
- Discuss how the work will be carried out to minimise the risk for all parties
- Freshly launder my clothes ahead of each client visit
When attending Face-to-face sessions I will:
- Rearrange our session if I or my client is unwell, particularly if experiencing the main symptoms of or have tested positive for Covid 19
- Avoid travelling by any form of public transport
- Take my breaks outside where possible
- Wash my hands for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser regularly
- Keep a reasonable distance from any other people in the home wherever possible
- Where my client and I need to be in the same room, maintain reasonable distance, where possible
- Wear a face mask when working in close proximity. There is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering, however the Government suggests that you continue to wear one in enclosed spaces
- Leave all waste/ recycling with my client so as to avoid potential transmission of infection
- Provide an invoice and follow-up information via email and request payment by contactless method
Client Declaration
As a client, I confirm that I:
- have not had the recent onset of a new continuous cough, high temperature, noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell
- will notify Laura if I or anyone that lives with me, becomes unwell before our session(s), particularly if they experience the above symptoms or test positive for Covid 19
- will notify Laura if I or anyone that lives with me, has been in contact with anyone who has had Covid-19 symptoms
- will maintain a reasonable distance (1m+) from Laura wherever possible
- will wear a face mask (which I will provide) if working in close proximity to Laura (within 1m)
- will inform Laura if I would prefer she wore a face covering/gloves, regardless of proximity
- will nominate a clean bathroom, with soap and clean towel, for Laura to use for bathroom breaks
- will leave all internal doors open to minimise Laura’s contact with door handles
- will open windows to let fresh air before, during and after my visits to reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid-19
- accept that whilst we will use hand gel/wash hands regularly, due to the nature of organising, it is necessary to handle household items and not always possible to clean down every item that is touched
- accept that the sessions are being undertaken at my request and that in the event of either party being diagnosed as being Covid 19 positive, that no liability will be accepted / assumed by either myself, as client, or by Laura Williams, OrganisedWell.
- I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the above terms.
Signed: ______________________________________ Dated: ________________
Name: _______________________________________