Five ideas for staying motivated!

Now that January has come to a close is it starting to feel really hard to stay motivated? Here are my five ideas to keep you on track.

Are you struggling to keep your motivation? Perhaps you made a resolution at the the beginning of the the year or set yourself a goal during lockdown but are finding your motivation is waning.

It’s been a strange time hasn’t it? We’ve been through a stressful season and are still facing lots of change and uncertainty. I think we can all forgive ourselves if we’ve taken things a bit slower and changed our focus to get through the hard times.

Don’t get frustrated that you’re not where you expected to be. Be kind to yourself. Accept where you are, then decide that you don’t have to stay here!

Strategies to help you achieve your goals!

I’ve used the strategies below to staying motivated during my fitness journey. I think you’ll find at least one that will help you with your goal too! Here are the valuable lessons I’ve learned getting started and keeping going with a goal.

I hadn’t worked out for a while and I was feeling lazy. The problem was; I’d stopped my routine and had lost all motivation. I’d fallen into a routine that was comfortable; I quite liked being in with my family every night, hanging out in front of the TV and not having to get up early for gym classes. At the same time, I felt guilty for not doing anything to stay health but it felt like a big task to try to fit workouts into my schedule again. I didn’t really want to get out there in the cold or get up stupidly early for a class and I couldn’t really face it.

Go on, Eat the Frog!

Mark Twain

I knew I needed to get creative, dig deep and just get on with it before I regretted my decision to not take action forever! Try out the following tactics that I used for staying motivated:


I committed to a personal trainer friend that I would follow a schedule and although I’d stopped, I recalled my commitment and this really helped. If you want to start an organising project tell someone, tell everyone, what you intend to do and by when. If you feel ok with it (you may be not be entirely comfortable) make a public declaration on social media or contact someone you know will hold you to your commitment.

Get clear on your goal

When I get stuck, I think about why I want it, what will I gain and what the end result be. I visualise the finish line, the crowds and the amazing sense of achievement I’ll feel, so that I know what I’m aiming for. For your decluttering project, you need to see the result for staying motivated – imagine the room you want to work on without the excess stuff in it. Walk around the room in your head, what will it look like, what will it feel like to be in that room, how will you be able to use that space? Why do you need this now and what difference will it make to you and your household?

Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There

Theodore Roosevelt

I’ve watched documentaries about amazing people who run ultra-marathons. I don’t ever intend to do that myself but if it’s possible to achieve such amazing things with the human body surely I can manage to run for 25 minutes!

Read a book, find images or quotes that make you feel positive about your process or watch a film or TV show like Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up series to see what’s possible.

Create a plan

A plan with target dates or deadlines is great for staying motivated – I decided I want to exercise 2-3 times per week but keep my weekends free. I plan ahead each week and put the time in my diary so I know when and what time I’ll be exercising. You could create a plan outlining the actions you need to take, decide what date you want to be finished and block out time in your diary for the activities (preparation, decluttering session(s), charity shop runs etc) you need to carry out to complete on time. 

Gain Support

I agree with my husband the days that work well for him to do the school run, and what commitments he has, so that I can easily plan my exercise routine. I regularly run with a friend so am committed to helping her keep fit and I ask my husband to give me encouragement when I’m tempted to cancel a session. When planning your declutter task, ask for help – ask a friend, family member or search for a ‘Professional Organiser near me’ to provide support. If you don’t need anyone to help you, you may still want someone to give you encouragement, enquire how you are doing and give you moral support when the going gets tough. It’s great help for staying motivated.

You don’t have to do this alone in-fact you’ll be so much more successful if you visualise your success and draw on others to support you. If you need expert advice or practical support, I’m here for you!

About OrganisedWell

Would you like help getting organised?

Laura Williams, Founder and Professional Organiser

If you need guidance, ideas and practical support to make more of your home, organise your possessions in a way that supports your best life or to get started with your decluttering project, then give me a call.

I provide tailored advice and practical support to clients looking to make changes, to create calm, ordered space and free up time and money to focus on the important things in life.
I specialise in organising rooms, garages, wardrobes, paperwork and much more; see my services or get in touch.

Finding that motivation!

I did something else for the first time this year; ran my first half marathon. I suppose I approached that with the same questions. Even though I’d been working out regularly and running for while, it seemed like such a daunting task.

How exciting, this is my very first blog post! I hope I can do it, I hope I like it, I hope you like it!

I did something else for the first time this year; ran my first half marathon. I suppose I approached that with the same questions. Even though I’d been working out regularly and running for while, it seemed like such a daunting task. I didn’t know what it would be like (although I’d had advice from those who had done it before me), if I could do it, would I lose motivation half way round or use all my energy in the first few kilometres and tire myself out before I’d made much progress? Would I be able to drag myself over the finish line after I’d been running for all that time?

As it turns out, I was lucky enough to have the right people around me to support me and cheer me on. My personal trainer, Cal Ford, was amazing at helping me find motivation when I was so close to giving up and helping me with a great training plan. I am grateful for his guidance, know-how and words of motivation when I needed it. He helped me stay on track when it felt like too much hard work.

In the months running up to the half marathon, I decided to enjoy my journey even though it was hard at times. My friends and family supported me along the way, helping me to stay focused and following my training plan. I found that with a little self-belief and a positive mental attitude I could do it!

On race day, I made the most of the atmosphere, watching fellow runners and spectators enjoying the event. Although I knew it would be tough, I decided to make the most of the run. Deciding my own positive mental attitude, I gained a sense of control over my body and a feeling of freedom. It was hard, it was hilly and I was tired, but I loved every minute!